Let's Get This Party Started
If you had a band, what would it be called, and why?
I think mine would be The Museum of Art. It's simple, yet pretentious and artsy.
I think this ought to exclude Cheese on Bread since they are a band. But why the name was chosen is certainly a valid line of conversation.
I think mine would be The Museum of Art. It's simple, yet pretentious and artsy.
I think this ought to exclude Cheese on Bread since they are a band. But why the name was chosen is certainly a valid line of conversation.
I've always liked dorky band names directly from math and the sciences. Not that I'd ever be in one thus named, but hey. Here's a list from my blog
two of my friends at school (one a former Brightonian) have a "band" called Erdos Number. Listen to their hit "Delta for Your Epsilon" here -- it features lyrics such as "I want to integrate all over your manifold" and "I can take you to the limit and do it continuously" (both math majors, if you couldn't tell).
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